The burdenH4853 of Babylon,H894 whichH834 IsaiahH3470 the sonH1121 of AmozH531 did see.H2372
LiftH5375 you up a bannerH5251 on the highH8192 mountain,H2022 exaltH7311 the voiceH6963 to them, shakeH5130 the hand,H3027 that they may goH935 into the gatesH6607 of the nobles.H5081
I have commandedH6680 my sanctifiedH6942 ones, I have alsoH1571 calledH7121 my mightyH1368 ones for my anger,H639 even them that rejoiceH5947 in my highness.H1346
The noiseH6963 of a multitudeH1995 in the mountains,H2022 likeH1823 as of a greatH7227 people;H5971 a tumultuousH7588 noiseH6963 of the kingdomsH4467 of nationsH1471 gatheredH622 together: the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 mustersH6485 the hostH6635 of the battle.H4421
They comeH935 from a farH4801 country,H776 from the endH7093 of heaven,H8064 even the LORD,H3068 and the weaponsH3627 of his indignation,H2195 to destroyH2254 the wholeH3605 land.H776
HowlH3213 you; for the dayH3117 of the LORDH3068 is atH7138 hand;H7138 it shall comeH935 as a destructionH7701 from the Almighty.H7706
ThereforeH5921 H3651 shall allH3605 handsH3027 be faint,H7503 and everyH3605 man'sH582 heartH3824 shall melt:H4549
And they shall be afraid:H926 pangsH6735 and sorrowsH2256 shall takeH270 holdH270 of them; they shall be in painH2342 as a woman that travails:H3205 they shall be amazedH8539 oneH376 atH413 another;H7453 their facesH6440 shall be as flames.H3851
Behold,H2009 the dayH3117 of the LORDH3068 comes,H935 cruelH394 both with wrathH5678 and fierceH2740 anger,H639 to lay the landH776 desolate:H8047 and he shall destroyH8045 the sinnersH2400 thereof out of it.
For the starsH3556 of heavenH8064 and the constellationsH3685 thereof shall not give their light:H216 the sunH8121 shall be darkenedH2821 in his goingH3318 forth,H3318 and the moonH3394 shall not cause her lightH216 to shine.H5050
And I will punishH6485 the worldH8398 for their evil,H7451 and the wickedH7563 for their iniquity;H5771 and I will cause the arroganceH1347 of the proudH2086 to cease,H7673 and will lay lowH8213 the haughtinessH1346 of the terrible.H6184
I will make a manH582 more preciousH3365 than fine gold;H6337 even a manH120 than the goldenH3800 wedge of Ophir.H211
ThereforeH5921 H3651 I will shakeH7264 the heavens,H8064 and the earthH776 shall removeH7493 out of her place,H4725 in the wrathH5678 of the LORDH3068 of hosts,H6635 and in the dayH3117 of his fierceH2740 anger.H639
And it shall be as the chasedH5080 roe,H6643 and as a sheepH6629 that noH369 man takesH6908 up: they shall every manH376 turnH6437 to his own people,H5971 and fleeH5127 everyH376 one intoH413 his own land.H776
EveryH3605 one that is foundH4672 shall be thrustH1856 through;H1856 and everyH3605 one that is joinedH5595 to them shall fallH5307 by the sword.H2719
Their childrenH5768 also shall be dashedH7376 to pieces before their eyes;H5869 their housesH1004 shall be spoiled,H8155 and their wivesH802 ravished.H7693
Behold,H2005 I will stirH5782 up the MedesH4074 againstH5921 them, whichH834 shall not regardH2803 silver;H3701 and as for gold,H2091 they shall not delightH2654 in it.
Their bowsH7198 also shall dashH7376 the youngH5288 men to pieces; and they shall have noH3808 pityH7355 on the fruitH6529 of the womb;H990 their eyesH5869 shall not spareH2347 children.H1121
And Babylon,H894 the gloryH6643 of kingdoms,H4467 the beautyH8597 of the Chaldees'H3778 excellency,H1347 shall be as when GodH430 overthrewH4114 SodomH5467 and Gomorrah.H6017
It shall neverH3808 H5331 be inhabited,H3427 neitherH3808 shall it be dwelledH7931 in from generationH1755 to generation:H1755 neitherH3808 shall the ArabianH6163 pitchH167 tentH167 there;H8033 neitherH3808 shall the shepherdsH7462 make their foldH7257 there.H8033
But wildH6728 beastsH6728 of the desertH6728 shall lieH7257 there;H8033 and their housesH1004 shall be fullH4390 of dolefulH255 creatures;H255 and owlsH1323 H3284 shall dwellH7931 there,H8033 and satyrsH8163 shall danceH7540 there.H8033
And the wildH338 beastsH338 of the islandsH338 shall cryH6030 in their desolateH490 houses,H490 and dragonsH8577 in their pleasantH6027 palaces:H1964 and her timeH6256 is nearH7138 to come,H935 and her daysH3117 shall not be prolonged.H4900