The wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 cameH1961 again to me, saying,H559
SonH1121 of man,H120 there were twoH8147 women,H802 the daughtersH1323 of oneH259 mother:H517
And they committedH2181 prostitutions in Egypt;H4714 they committedH2181 prostitutions in their youth:H5271 thereH8033 were their breastsH7699 pressed,H4600 and thereH8033 they bruisedH6213 the teatsH1717 of their virginity.H1331
And the namesH8034 of them were AholahH170 the elder,H1419 and AholibahH172 her sister:H269 and they were mine, and they boreH3205 sonsH1121 and daughters.H1323 Thus were their names;H8034 SamariaH8111 is Aholah,H170 and JerusalemH3389 Aholibah.H172
And AholahH170 played the harlotH2181 when she was mine; and she dotedH5689 onH413 her lovers,H157 onH413 the AssyriansH804 her neighbors,H7138
Which were clothedH3847 with blue,H8504 captainsH6346 and rulers,H5461 allH3605 of them desirableH2531 youngH970 men, horsemenH6571 ridingH7392 on horses.H5483
Thus she committedH5414 her prostitutionsH8457 with them, with all them that were the chosenH4005 menH1121 of Assyria,H804 and with allH3605 on whomH834 she doted:H5689 with allH3605 their idolsH1544 she defiledH2930 herself.
NeitherH3808 leftH5800 she her prostitutionsH8457 brought from Egypt:H4714 for in her youthH5271 they layH7901 with her, and they bruisedH6213 the breastsH1717 of her virginity,H1331 and pouredH8210 their prostitutionH8457 on her.
WhyH3651 I have deliveredH5414 her into the handH3027 of her lovers,H157 into the handH3027 of the Assyrians,H1121 H804 on whomH834 she doted.H5689
TheseH1992 discoveredH1540 her nakedness:H6172 they tookH3947 her sonsH1121 and her daughters,H1323 and slew her with the sword:H2719 and she becameH1961 famousH8034 among women;H802 for they had executedH6213 judgmentH8196 on her.
And when her sisterH269 AholibahH172 sawH7200 this, she was more corruptH7843 in her inordinateH5691 loveH5691 than she, and in her prostitutionsH8457 more than her sisterH269 in her prostitutions.H8457
She dotedH5689 on the AssyriansH1121 H804 her neighbors,H7138 captainsH6346 and rulersH5461 clothedH3847 most gorgeously,H4358 horsemenH6571 ridingH7392 on horses,H5483 allH3605 of them desirableH2531 youngH970 men.
Then I sawH7200 that she was defiled,H2930 that they took bothH8147 oneH259 way,H1870
And that she increasedH3254 her prostitutions:H8457 for when she sawH7200 menH582 portrayedH2707 on the wall,H7023 the imagesH6754 of the ChaldeansH3779 portrayedH2710 with vermilion,H8350
GirdedH2289 with girdlesH232 on their loins,H4975 exceedingH5628 in dyedH2871 attireH2871 on their heads,H7218 allH3605 of them princesH7991 to lookH4758 to, after the mannerH1823 of the BabyloniansH1121 H894 of Chaldea,H3778 the landH776 of their nativity:H4138
And as soonH4758 as she saw them with her eyes,H5869 she dotedH5689 on them, and sentH7971 messengersH4397 to them into Chaldea.H3778
And the BabyloniansH1121 H894 cameH935 to her into the bedH4904 of love,H1730 and they defiledH2930 her with their prostitution,H8457 and she was pollutedH2930 with them, and her mindH5315 was alienatedH3363 from them.
So she discoveredH1540 her prostitutions,H8457 and discoveredH1540 her nakedness:H6172 then my mindH5315 was alienatedH3363 from her, like as my mindH5315 was alienatedH5361 from her sister.H269
Yet she multipliedH7235 her prostitutions,H8457 in callingH2142 to remembranceH2142 the daysH3117 of her youth,H5271 whereinH834 she had played the harlotH2181 in the landH776 of Egypt.H4714
For she dotedH5689 on their paramours,H6370 whose fleshH1320 is as the fleshH1320 of asses,H2543 and whose issueH2231 is like the issueH2231 of horses.H5483
Thus you calledH6485 to remembranceH6485 the lewdnessH2154 of your youth,H5271 in bruisingH6213 your teatsH1717 by the EgyptiansH4714 for the breastsH7699 of your youth.H5271
Therefore,H3651 O Aholibah,H172 thusH3541 saidH559 the LordH136 GOD;H3069 Behold,H2005 I will raiseH5782 up your loversH157 againstH5921 you, from whomH834 H1992 your mindH5315 is alienated,H5361 and I will bringH935 them againstH5921 you on everyH5437 side;H5439
The Babylonians,H1121 H894 and allH3605 the Chaldeans,H3779 Pekod,H6489 and Shoa,H7772 and Koa,H6970 and allH3605 the AssyriansH804 with them: allH3605 of them desirableH2531 youngH970 men, captainsH6346 and rulers,H5461 greatH7991 lordsH7991 and renowned,H7121 allH3605 of them ridingH7392 on horses.H5483
And they shall comeH935 againstH5921 you with chariots,H2021 wagons,H7393 and wheels,H1534 and with an assemblyH6951 of people,H5971 which shall setH7760 againstH5921 you bucklerH6793 and shieldH4043 and helmetH6959 roundH5439 about: and I will setH5414 judgmentH4941 beforeH6440 them, and they shall judgeH8199 you according to their judgments.H4941
And I will setH5414 my jealousyH7068 against you, and they shall dealH6213 furiouslyH2534 with you: they shall takeH5493 awayH5493 your noseH639 and your ears;H241 and your remnantH319 shall fallH5307 by the sword:H2719 they shall takeH3947 your sonsH1121 and your daughters;H1323 and your residueH319 shall be devouredH398 by the fire.H784
They shall also stripH6584 you out of your clothes,H899 and takeH3947 away your fairH8597 jewels.H3627
Thus will I make your lewdnessH2154 to ceaseH7673 from you, and your prostitutionH2184 brought from the landH776 of Egypt:H4714 so that you shall not liftH5375 up your eyesH5869 to them, norH3808 rememberH2142 EgyptH4714 any more.H5750
For thusH3541 saidH559 the LordH136 GOD;H3069 Behold,H2005 I will deliverH5414 you into the handH3027 of them whomH834 you hate,H8130 into the handH3027 of them from whomH834 your mindH5315 is alienated:H5361
And they shall dealH6213 with you hatefully,H8135 and shall takeH3947 away allH3605 your labor,H3018 and shall leaveH5800 you nakedH5903 and bore:H6181 and the nakednessH6172 of your prostitutionsH2183 shall be discovered,H1540 both your lewdnessH2154 and your prostitutions.H8457
I will doH6213 theseH428 things to you, because you have gone a whoringH2181 afterH310 the heathen,H1471 and becauseH5921 H834 you are pollutedH2930 with their idols.H1544
You have walkedH1980 in the wayH1870 of your sister;H269 therefore will I giveH5414 her cupH3563 into your hand.H3027
ThusH3541 saidH559 the LordH136 GOD;H3069 You shall drinkH8354 of your sister'sH269 cupH3563 deepH6013 and large:H7342 you shall be laughedH6712 to scorn and had in derision;H3932 it containsH3557 much.H4767
You shall be filledH4390 with drunkennessH7943 and sorrow,H3015 with the cupH3563 of astonishmentH8047 and desolation,H8077 with the cupH3563 of your sisterH269 Samaria.H8111
You shall even drinkH8354 it and suckH4680 it out, and you shall breakH1633 the shardsH2789 thereof, and pluckH5423 off your own breasts:H7699 for I have spokenH1696 it, saidH559 the LordH136 GOD.H3069
ThereforeH3651 thusH3541 saidH559 the LordH136 GOD;H3069 BecauseH3282 you have forgottenH7911 me, and castH7993 me behindH310 your back,H1458 therefore bearH5375 you alsoH1571 your lewdnessH2154 and your prostitutions.H8457
The LORDH3068 saidH559 moreover to me; SonH1121 of man,H120 will you judgeH8199 AholahH170 and Aholibah?H172 yes, declareH5046 to them their abominations;H8441
That they have committedH5003 adultery,H5003 and bloodH1818 is in their hands,H3027 and with their idolsH1544 have they committedH5003 adultery,H5003 and have alsoH1571 caused their sons,H1121 whomH834 they boreH3205 to me, to passH5674 for them through the fire, to devourH402 them.
MoreoverH5750 thisH2063 they have doneH6213 to me: they have defiledH2930 my sanctuaryH4720 in the sameH1931 day,H3117 and have profanedH2490 my sabbaths.H7676
For when they had slainH7819 their childrenH1121 to their idols,H1544 then they cameH935 the sameH1931 dayH3117 intoH413 my sanctuaryH4720 to profaneH2490 it; and, see,H2009 thusH3541 have they doneH6213 in the middleH8432 of my house.H1004
And furthermore,H637 that you have sentH7971 for menH582 to comeH935 from far,H4801 to whomH834 H413 a messengerH4397 was sent;H7971 and, see,H2009 they came:H935 for whomH834 you did washH7364 yourself, paintedH3583 your eyes,H5869 and deckedH5710 yourself with ornaments,H5716
And satH3427 on a statelyH3520 bed,H4296 and a tableH7979 preparedH6186 beforeH6440 it, whereuponH5921 you have setH7760 my incenseH7004 and my oil.H8081
And a voiceH6963 of a multitudeH1995 being at easeH7961 was with her: and with the menH582 of the commonH7230 sortH120 were broughtH935 SabeansH5433 from the wilderness,H4057 which putH5414 braceletsH6781 on their hands,H3027 and beautifulH8597 crownsH5850 on their heads.H7218
Then saidH559 I to her that was oldH1087 in adulteries,H5004 Will they nowH6258 commitH2181 prostitutionsH8457 with her, and she with them?
Yet they wentH935 in to her, as they goH935 in to a womanH802 that plays the harlot:H2181 soH3651 wentH935 they in to AholahH170 and to Aholibah,H172 the lewdH2154 women.H802
And the righteousH6662 men,H582 they shall judgeH8199 them after the mannerH4941 of adulteresses,H5003 and after the mannerH4941 of women that shedH8210 blood;H1818 becauseH3588 they are adulteresses,H5003 and bloodH1818 is in their hands.H3027
For thusH3541 saidH559 the LordH136 GOD;H3069 I will bringH5927 up a companyH6951 on them, and will giveH5414 them to be removedH2189 and spoiled.H957
And the companyH6951 shall stoneH7275 them with stones,H68 and dispatchH1254 them with their swords;H2719 they shall slayH4191 their sonsH1121 and their daughters,H1323 and burnH8313 up their housesH1004 with fire.H784
Thus will I cause lewdnessH2154 to ceaseH7673 out of the land,H776 that allH3605 womenH802 may be taughtH3256 not to doH6213 after your lewdness.H2154
And they shall recompenseH5414 your lewdnessH2154 on you, and you shall bearH5375 the sinsH2399 of your idols:H1544 and you shall knowH3045 that I am the LordH136 GOD.H3069