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Daniel chapter 2

Bible Version
And in the secondH8147 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of NebuchadnezzarH5019 NebuchadnezzarH5019 dreamedH2492 dreams,H2472 with which his spiritH7307 was troubled,H6470 and his sleepH8142 brokeH1961 from him.
Then the kingH4428 commandedH559 to callH7121 the magicians,H2748 and the astrologers,H825 and the sorcerers,H3784 and the Chaldeans,H3779 for to showH5046 the kingH4428 his dreams.H2472 So they cameH935 and stoodH5975 beforeH6440 the king.H4428
And the kingH4428 saidH559 to them, I have dreamedH2492 a dream,H2472 and my spiritH7307 was troubledH6470 to knowH3045 the dream.H2472
Then spokeH1696 the ChaldeansH3779 to the kingH4428 in Syriack,H762 O king,H4430 liveH2418 for ever:H5957 tellH560 your servantsH5649 the dream,H2493 and we will showH2324 the interpretation.H6591
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560 to the Chaldeans,H3779 The thingH4406 is goneH230 from me: ifH2006 you will not make knownH3046 to me the dream,H2493 with the interpretationH6591 thereof, you shall be cutH5648 in pieces,H1917 and your housesH1005 shall be madeH7761 a dunghill.H5122
But ifH2006 you showH2324 the dream,H2493 and the interpretationH6591 thereof, you shall receiveH6902 of me giftsH4978 and rewardsH5023 and greatH7690 honor:H3367 thereforeH2006 showH2324 me the dream,H2493 and the interpretationH6591 thereof.
They answeredH6032 againH8579 and said,H560 Let the kingH4430 tellH560 his servantsH5649 the dream,H2493 and we will showH2324 the interpretationH6591 of it.
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and said,H560 I knowH3046 of certaintyH3330 that you would gainH2084 the time,H5732 becauseH3606 you seeH2370 the thingH4406 is goneH230 from me.
But ifH2006 you will not make knownH3046 to me the dream,H2493 there is but oneH2298 decreeH1882 for you: for you have preparedH2164 lyingH3538 and corruptH7844 wordsH4406 to speakH560 beforeH6925 me, tillH5704 the timeH5732 be changed:H8133 thereforeH2006 tellH560 me the dream,H2493 and I shall knowH3046 that you can showH2324 me the interpretationH6591 thereof.
The ChaldeansH3779 answeredH6032 beforeH6925 the king,H4430 and said,H560 There is not a manH606 on the earthH3007 that canH3202 showH2324 the king'sH4430 matter:H4406 thereforeH3606 there is noH3606 H3809 king,H4430 lord,H7229 nor ruler,H7990 that askedH7593 suchH1836 things at anyH3606 magician,H2749 or astrologer,H826 or Chaldean.H3777
And it is a rareH3358 thingH4406 that the kingH4430 requires,H7593 and there is noneH3809 otherH321 that can showH2324 it beforeH6925 the king,H4430 exceptH3861 the gods,H426 whoseH1768 dwellingH4070 is not with flesh.H1321
For thisH1836 causeH3606 the kingH4430 was angryH1149 and veryH7690 furious,H7108 and commandedH560 to destroyH7 allH3606 the wiseH2445 men of Babylon.H895
And the decreeH1882 wentH5312 forthH5312 that the wiseH2445 men should be slain;H6992 and they soughtH1158 DanielH1841 and his fellowsH2269 to be slain.H6992
ThenH116 DanielH1841 answeredH8421 with counselH5843 and wisdomH2942 to AriochH746 the captainH7229 of the king'sH4430 guard,H2877 whichH1768 was goneH5312 forthH5312 to slayH6992 the wiseH2445 men of Babylon:H895
He answeredH6032 and saidH560 to AriochH746 the king'sH4430 captain,H7990 WhyH5922 H4101 is the decreeH1882 so hastyH2685 from the king?H4430 ThenH116 AriochH746 made the thingH4406 knownH3046 to Daniel.H1841
Then DanielH1841 wentH5954 in, and desiredH1156 of the kingH4430 that he would giveH5415 him time,H2166 and that he would showH2324 the kingH4430 the interpretation.H6591
ThenH116 DanielH1841 wentH236 to his house,H1005 and made the thingH4406 knownH3046 to Hananiah,H2608 Mishael,H4332 and Azariah,H5839 his companions:H2269
That they would desireH1156 merciesH7359 of the GodH426 of heavenH8065 concerningH5922 thisH1836 secret;H7328 that DanielH1841 and his fellowsH2269 should not perishH7 with the restH7606 of the wiseH2445 men of Babylon.H895
ThenH116 was the secretH7328 revealedH1541 to DanielH1841 in a nightH3916 vision.H2376 ThenH116 DanielH1841 blessedH1289 the GodH426 of heaven.H8065
DanielH1841 answeredH6032 and said,H560 BlessedH1289 be the nameH8036 of GodH426 for everH5957 and ever:H5957 for wisdomH2452 and mightH1370 are his:
And he changesH8133 the timesH5732 and the seasons:H2166 he removesH5709 kings,H4430 and setsH6966 up kings:H4430 he givesH3052 wisdomH2452 to the wise,H2445 and knowledgeH998 to them that knowH3046 understanding:H999
He revealsH1541 the deepH5994 and secretH5642 things: he knowsH3046 whatH4101 is in the darkness,H2816 and the lightH5094 dwellsH8271 with him.
I thankH3029 you, and praiseH7624 you, O you GodH426 of my fathers,H2 whoH1768 have givenH3052 me wisdomH2452 and might,H1370 and have made knownH3046 to me nowH3705 whatH1768 we desiredH1156 of you: for you have nowH3705 made knownH3046 to us the king'sH4430 matter.H4406
ThereforeH3606 DanielH1841 wentH5954 in to Arioch,H746 whomH1768 the kingH4430 had ordainedH4483 to destroyH7 the wiseH2445 men of Babylon:H895 he wentH236 and saidH560 thusH3652 to him; DestroyH7 not the wiseH2445 men of Babylon:H895 bringH5924 me in beforeH6925 the king,H4430 and I will showH2324 to the kingH4430 the interpretation.H6591
ThenH116 AriochH746 broughtH5954 in DanielH1841 beforeH6925 the kingH4430 in haste,H927 and saidH560 thusH3652 to him, I have foundH4672 a manH1400 of the captivesH1123 H1547 of Judah,H3061 that will make knownH3046 to the kingH4430 the interpretation.H6591
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560 to Daniel,H1841 whoseH1768 nameH8036 was Belteshazzar,H1096 AreH383 you ableH3546 to make knownH3046 to me the dreamH2493 whichH1768 I have seen,H2370 and the interpretationH6591 thereof?
DanielH1841 answeredH6032 in the presenceH6925 of the king,H4430 and said,H560 The secretH7328 whichH1768 the kingH4430 has demandedH7593 cannotH3809 H3202 the wiseH2445 men, the astrologers,H826 the magicians,H2749 the soothsayers,H1505 showH2324 to the king;H4430
But there is a GodH426 in heavenH8065 that revealsH1541 secrets,H7328 and makes knownH3046 to the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 whatH4101 shall be in the latterH320 days.H3118 Your dream,H2493 and the visionsH2376 of your headH7217 on your bed,H4903 are these;H1836
As for you, O king,H4430 your thoughtsH7476 cameH5559 into your mind on your bed,H4903 whatH4101 should comeH1934 to pass hereafter:H311 H1836 and he that revealsH1541 secretsH7328 makes knownH3046 to you whatH4101 shall comeH1934 to pass.
But as for me, thisH1836 secretH7328 is not revealedH1541 to me for any wisdomH2452 that I haveH383 moreH4481 thanH4481 anyH3606 living,H2417 but for their sakesH1701 that shall make knownH3046 the interpretationH6591 to the king,H4430 and that you might knowH3046 the thoughtsH7476 of your heart.H3825
You, O king,H4430 saw,H2370 and beholdH431 a greatH7690 image.H6755 ThisH1797 greatH7229 image,H6755 whose brightnessH2122 was excellent,H3493 stoodH6966 beforeH6903 you; and the formH7299 thereof was terrible.H1763
ThisH1931 image'sH6755 headH7217 was of fineH2869 gold,H1722 his breastH2306 and his armsH1872 of silver,H3702 his bellyH4577 and his thighsH3410 of brass,H5174
His legsH8243 of iron,H6523 his feetH7271 partH4481 of ironH6523 and partH4481 of clay.H2635
You sawH2370 tillH5704 that a stoneH69 was cutH1505 out withoutH1768 H3809 hands,H3028 which smoteH4223 the imageH6755 on his feetH7271 that were of ironH6523 and clay,H2635 and brokeH1855 them to pieces.
ThenH116 was the iron,H6523 the clay,H2635 the brass,H5174 the silver,H3702 and the gold,H1722 brokenH1854 to pieces together,H2298 and becameH1934 like the chaffH5784 of the summerH7007 threshing floors;H147 and the windH7308 carriedH5376 them away, that noH3606 H3809 placeH870 was foundH7912 for them: and the stoneH69 that smoteH4223 the imageH6755 becameH1934 a greatH7229 mountain,H2906 and filledH4391 the wholeH3606 earth.H772
ThisH1836 is the dream;H2493 and we will tellH560 the interpretationH6591 thereof beforeH6925 the king.H4430
You, O king,H4430 are a kingH4430 of kings:H4430 for the GodH426 of heavenH8065 has givenH3052 you a kingdom,H4437 power,H2632 and strength,H8632 and glory.H3367
And whereverH3606 H1768 the childrenH1123 of menH606 dwell,H1753 the beastsH2423 of the fieldH1251 and the fowlsH5776 of the heavenH8065 has he givenH3052 into your hand,H3028 and has made you rulerH7981 over them all.H3606 You are thisH1931 headH7217 of gold.H1722
And afterH870 you shall ariseH6966 anotherH317 kingdomH4437 inferiorH772 to you, and anotherH317 thirdH8523 kingdomH4437 of brass,H5174 whichH1768 shall bearH7981 ruleH7981 over allH3606 the earth.H772
And the fourthH7244 kingdomH4437 shall be strongH8624 as iron:H6523 for as muchH3606 as ironH6523 breaksH1855 in pieces and subduesH2827 allH3606 things: and as ironH6523 that breaksH7490 allH3606 these,H459 shall it breakH1855 in pieces and bruise.H7490
And whereasH1768 you sawH2370 the feetH7271 and toes,H677 partH4481 of potters'H6353 clay,H2635 and partH4481 of iron,H6523 the kingdomH4437 shall be divided;H6386 but there shall be in it of the strengthH5326 of the iron,H6523 for as muchH3606 as you sawH2370 the ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clay.H2635
And as the toesH677 of the feetH7271 were partH4481 of iron,H6523 and partH4481 of clay,H2635 so the kingdomH4437 shall be partlyH7118 strong,H8624 and partlyH7118 broken.H8406
And whereasH1768 you sawH2370 ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clay,H2635 they shall mingleH6151 themselves with the seedH2234 of men:H606 but they shall not joinH1693 oneH1836 to another,H1836 evenH1887 as ironH6523 is not mixedH6151 with clay.H2635
And in the daysH3118 of theseH581 kingsH4430 shall the GodH426 of heavenH8065 setH6966 up a kingdom,H4437 whichH1768 shall neverH5957 H3809 be destroyed:H2255 and the kingdomH4437 shall not be leftH7662 to otherH321 people,H5972 but it shall breakH1854 in pieces and consumeH5487 allH3606 theseH459 kingdoms,H4437 and it shall standH6966 for ever.H5957
For as muchH3606 as you sawH2370 that the stoneH69 was cutH1505 out of the mountainH2906 withoutH1768 H3809 hands,H3028 and that it brokeH1855 in pieces the iron,H6523 the brass,H5174 the clay,H2635 the silver,H3702 and the gold;H1722 the greatH7229 GodH426 has made knownH3046 to the kingH4430 whatH4101 shall comeH1934 to pass hereafter:H311 H1836 and the dreamH2493 is certain,H3330 and the interpretationH6591 thereof sure.H546
ThenH116 the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 fellH5308 on his face,H600 and worshippedH5457 Daniel,H1841 and commandedH560 that they should offerH5260 an oblationH4541 and sweetH5208 odorsH5208 to him.
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 to Daniel,H1841 and said,H560 Of a truthH7187 it is, that your GodH426 is a GodH426 of gods,H426 and a LordH4756 of kings,H4430 and a revealerH1541 of secrets,H7328 seeingH1768 you couldH3202 revealH1541 thisH1836 secret.H7328
ThenH116 the kingH4430 madeH7236 DanielH1841 a greatH7236 man, and gaveH3052 him manyH7690 greatH7260 gifts,H4978 and made him rulerH7981 overH5922 the wholeH3606 provinceH4083 of Babylon,H895 and chiefH7229 of the governorsH5461 overH5922 allH3606 the wiseH2445 men of Babylon.H895
Then DanielH1841 requestedH1156 of the king,H4430 and he setH4483 Shadrach,H7715 Meshach,H4336 and Abednego,H5665 overH5922 the affairsH5673 of the provinceH4083 of Babylon:H895 but DanielH1841 sat in the gateH8651 of the king.H4430