For, behold,H2009 in thoseH1992 days,H3117 and in that time,H6256 whenH834 I shall bringH7725 againH7725 the captivityH7622 of JudahH3063 and Jerusalem,H3389
I will also gatherH6908 allH3605 nations,H1471 and will bringH3381 them downH3381 intoH413 the valleyH6010 of Jehoshaphat,H3092 and will pleadH8199 with them thereH8033 for my peopleH5971 and for my heritageH5159 Israel,H3478 whomH834 they have scatteredH6327 among the nations,H1471 and partedH2505 my land.H776
And they have castH3032 lotsH1486 for my people;H5971 and have givenH5414 a boyH3206 for an harlot,H2181 and soldH4376 a girlH3207 for wine,H3196 that they might drink.H8354
Yes,H1571 and whatH4100 have you to do with me, O Tyre,H6865 and Zidon,H6721 and allH3605 the coastsH1552 of Palestine?H6429 will you renderH7999 me a recompense?H1576 and ifH518 you recompenseH1580 me, swiftlyH7031 and speedilyH4120 will I returnH7725 your recompenseH1576 on your own head;H7218
BecauseH834 you have takenH3947 my silverH3701 and my gold,H2091 and have carriedH935 into your templesH1964 my goodlyH2896 pleasantH4261 things:
The childrenH1121 also of JudahH3063 and the childrenH1121 of JerusalemH3389 have you soldH4376 to the Grecians,H3125 that you might removeH7368 them farH7368 from their border.H1366
Behold,H2005 I will raiseH5782 them out of the placeH4725 whereH834 H8033 you have soldH4376 them, and will returnH7725 your recompenseH1576 on your own head:H7218
And I will sellH4376 your sonsH1121 and your daughtersH1323 into the handH3027 of the childrenH1121 of Judah,H3063 and they shall sellH4376 them to the Sabeans,H7615 to a peopleH1471 farH7350 off: for the LORDH3068 has spokenH1696 it.
ProclaimH7121 you thisH2063 among the Gentiles;H1471 PrepareH6942 war,H4421 wakeH5782 up the mightyH1368 men,H582 let allH3605 the menH582 of warH4421 draw near;H5066 let them comeH5927 up:
BeatH3807 your plowsharesH855 into swords H2719and your pruning hooksH4211 into spears:H7420 let the weakH2523 say,H559 I am strong.H1368
AssembleH5789 yourselves, and come,H935 allH3605 you heathen,H1471 and gatherH6908 yourselves together roundH5439 about: thitherH8033 cause your mightyH1368 ones to comeH5181 down,H5181 O LORD.H3068
Let the heathenH1471 be wakened,H5782 and comeH5927 up to the valleyH6010 of Jehoshaphat:H3092 for thereH8033 will I sitH3427 to judgeH8199 allH3605 the heathenH1471 roundH5439 about.
PutH7971 you in the sickle,H4038 for the harvestH7105 is ripe:H1310 come,H935 getH3381 you down;H3381 for the pressH1660 is full,H4390 the fats overflow;H7783 for their wickednessH7451 is great.H7227
Multitudes,H1995 multitudesH1995 in the valleyH6010 of decision:H2742 for the dayH3117 of the LORDH3068 is nearH7138 in the valleyH6010 of decision.H2742
The sunH8121 and the moonH3394 shall be darkened,H6937 and the starsH3556 shall withdrawH622 their shining.H5051
The LORDH3068 also shall roarH7580 out of Zion,H6726 and utterH5414 his voiceH6963 from Jerusalem;H3389 and the heavensH8064 and the earthH776 shall shake:H7493 but the LORDH3068 will be the hopeH4268 of his people,H5971 and the strengthH4581 of the childrenH1121 of Israel.H3478
So shall you knowH3045 that I am the LORDH3068 your GodH430 dwellingH7931 in Zion,H6726 my holyH6944 mountain:H2022 then shall JerusalemH3389 be holy,H6944 and there shall noH3808 strangersH2114 passH5674 through her any more.H5750
And it shall comeH1961 to pass in that day,H3117 that the mountainsH2022 shall dropH5197 down new wine,H6071 and the hillsH1389 shall flowH3212 with milk,H2461 and allH3605 the riversH650 of JudahH3063 shall flowH3212 with waters,H4325 and a fountainH4599 shall comeH3318 forthH3318 out of the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 and shall waterH8248 the valleyH5158 of Shittim.H7851
EgyptH4714 shall be a desolation,H8077 and EdomH123 shall be a desolateH8077 wilderness,H4057 for the violenceH2555 against the childrenH1121 of Judah,H3063 becauseH834 they have shedH8210 innocentH5355 bloodH1818 in their land.H776
But JudahH3063 shall dwellH3427 for ever,H5769 and JerusalemH3389 from generationH1755 to generation.H1755
For I will cleanseH5352 their bloodH1818 that I have not cleansed:H5352 for the LORDH3068 dwellsH7931 in Zion.H6726