And straightwayG2112 in the morningG4404 the chiefG749 priestsG749 heldG4160 a consultationG4824 with the eldersG4245 and scribesG1122 and the wholeG3650 council,G4892 and boundG1210 Jesus,G2424 and carriedG667 him away,G667 and deliveredG3860 him to Pilate.G4091
And PilateG4091 askedG1905 him, AreG1488 you the KingG935 of the Jews?G2453 And he answeringG611 saidG2036 to them, You sayG3004 it.
And the chiefG749 priestsG749 accusedG2723 him of manyG4183 things: but he answeredG611 nothing.G3756 G3762
And PilateG4091 askedG1905 him again,G3825 saying,G3004 AnswerG611 you nothing?G3756 beholdG2396 howG4214 manyG4214 things they witnessG2649 against you.
But JesusG2424 yetG3765 answeredG611 nothing;G3756 G3762 soG5620 that PilateG4091 marveled.G2296
NowG1161 atG2596 that feastG1859 he releasedG630 to them oneG1520 prisoner,G1198 whomsoeverG3746 they desired.G154
And there was one namedG3004 Barabbas,G912 which lay boundG1210 with them that had madeG4955 insurrectionG4955 with him, whoG3748 had committedG4160 murderG5408 in the insurrection.G4714
And the multitudeG3793 cryingG310 aloudG310 beganG756 to desireG154 him to do as he had everG104 doneG4160 to them.
But PilateG4091 answeredG611 them, saying,G3004 WillG2309 you that I releaseG630 to you the KingG935 of the Jews?G2453
For he knewG1097 that the chiefG749 priestsG749 had deliveredG3860 him for envy.G5355
But the chiefG749 priestsG749 movedG383 the people,G3793 that he should ratherG3123 releaseG630 BarabbasG912 to them.
And PilateG4091 answeredG611 and saidG2036 againG3825 to them, WhatG5101 willG2309 you thenG3767 that I shall doG4160 to him whomG3739 you callG3004 the KingG935 of the Jews?G2453
And they criedG2896 out again,G3825 CrucifyG4717 him.
ThenG1161 PilateG4091 saidG3004 to them, Why,G1063 whatG5101 evilG2556 has he done?G4160 And they criedG2896 out the moreG4056 exceedingly,G4056 CrucifyG4717 him.
And so Pilate,G4091 willingG1014 to contentG2425 the people,G3793 releasedG630 BarabbasG912 to them, and deliveredG3860 Jesus,G2424 when he had scourgedG5417 him, to be crucified.G4717
And the soldiersG4757 ledG520 him awayG520 intoG2080 the hall,G833 calledG3739 G2076 Praetorium;G4232 and they callG4779 togetherG4779 the wholeG3650 band.G4686
And they clothedG1746 him with purple,G4209 and plattedG4120 a crownG4735 of thorns,G174 and putG4060 it aboutG4060 his head,
And beganG756 to saluteG782 him, Hail,G5463 KingG935 of the Jews!G2453
And they smoteG5180 him on the headG2776 with a reed,G2563 and did spitG1716 on him, and bowingG5087 their kneesG1119 worshippedG4352 him.
And whenG3753 they had mockedG1702 him, they tookG1562 offG609 the purpleG4209 from him, and putG1746 his ownG2398 clothesG2440 onG1746 him, and ledG1806 him out to crucifyG4717 him.
And they compelG29 oneG5100 SimonG4613 a Cyrenian,G2956 who passedG3855 by, comingG2064 out of the country,G68 the fatherG3962 of AlexanderG223 and Rufus,G4504 to bearG142 his cross.G4716
And they bringG5342 him to the placeG5117 Golgotha,G1115 whichG3739 is, being interpreted,G3177 The placeG5117 of a skull.G2898
And they gaveG1325 him to drinkG4095 wineG3631 mingled with myrrh:G4669 but he receivedG2983 it not.
And when they had crucifiedG4717 him, they partedG1266 his garments,G2440 castingG906 lotsG2819 on them, whatG5101 everyG5100 man should take.G142
And it was the thirdG5154 hour,G5610 and they crucifiedG4717 him.
And the superscriptionG1923 of his accusationG156 was writtenG1924 over,G1924 THE KINGG935 OF THE JEWS.G2453
And with him they crucifyG4717 twoG1417 thieves;G3027 the oneG1520 onG1537 his rightG1188 hand, and the otherG1520 onG1537 his left.G2176
And the scriptureG1124 was fulfilled,G4137 whichG3588 said,G3004 And he was numberedG3049 with the transgressors.G459
And they that passedG3899 by railedG987 on him, waggingG2795 their heads,G2776 and saying,G3004 Ah,G3758 you that destroyG2647 the temple,G3485 and buildG3618 it in threeG5140 days,G2250
SaveG4982 yourself,G4572 and comeG2597 downG2597 from the cross.G4716
LikewiseG3668 alsoG2532 the chiefG749 priestsG749 mockingG1702 saidG3004 amongG4314 themselvesG240 with the scribes,G1122 He savedG4982 others;G243 himselfG1438 he cannotG3756 G1410 save.G4982
Let ChristG5547 the KingG935 of IsraelG2474 descendG2597 nowG3568 from the cross,G4716 that we may seeG1492 and believe.G4100 And they that were crucifiedG4957 with him reviledG3679 him.
And when the sixthG1623 hourG5610 was come,G1096 there was darknessG4655 overG1909 the wholeG3650 landG1095 untilG2193 the ninthG1766 hour.G5610
And at the ninthG1766 hourG5610 JesusG2424 criedG994 with a loudG3173 voice,G5456 saying,G3004 Eloi,G1682 Eloi,G1682 lamaG2982 sabachthani?G4518 whichG3739 is, being interpreted,G3177 My God,G2316 my God,G2316 whyG1519 G5101 have you forsakenG1459 me?
And someG5100 of them that stoodG3936 by, when they heardG191 it, said,G3004 Behold,G2400 he callsG5455 Elias.G2243
And oneG1520 ranG5143 and filledG1072 a spongeG4699 full of vinegar,G3690 and putG4060 it onG4060 a reed,G2563 and gaveG4222 him to drink,G4222 saying,G3004 LetG863 alone;G863 let us seeG1492 whetherG1487 EliasG2243 will comeG2064 to takeG2507 him down.G2507
And JesusG2424 criedG863 with a loudG3173 voice,G5456 and gave up the ghost.G1606
And the veilG2665 of the templeG3485 was rentG4977 in twoG1417 from the topG509 to the bottom.G2736
And when the centurion,G2760 whichG3588 stoodG3936 overG1537 G1727 againstG1537 G1727 him, sawG1492 that he soG3779 criedG2896 out, and gave up the ghost,G1606 he said,G2036 TrulyG230 thisG3778 manG444 was the SonG5207 of God.G2316
There were alsoG2532 womenG1135 lookingG2334 on afarG3113 off:G575 amongG1722 whomG3739 was MaryG3137 Magdalene,G3094 and MaryG3137 the motherG3384 of JamesG2385 the lessG3398 and of Joses,G2500 and Salome;G4539
(WhoG3739 also,G2532 whenG3753 he was in Galilee,G1056 followedG190 him, and ministeredG1247 to him;) and manyG4183 otherG243 women whichG3588 cameG4872 up with him to Jerusalem.G2414
And nowG2235 when the evenG3798 was come,G1096 becauseG1893 it was the preparation,G3904 that is, the day beforeG4315 the sabbath,G4315
JosephG2501 of Arimathaea,G707 an honorableG2158 counselor,G1010 whichG3739 G846 alsoG2532 waitedG4327 for the kingdomG932 of God,G2316 came,G2064 and wentG1525 in boldlyG5111 to Pilate,G4091 and cravedG154 the bodyG4983 of Jesus.G2424
And PilateG4091 marveledG2296 ifG1487 he were alreadyG2235 dead:G2348 and callingG4341 to him the centurion,G2760 he askedG1905 him whetherG1487 he had been any whileG3819 dead.G599
And when he knewG1097 it of the centurion,G2760 he gaveG1433 the bodyG4983 to Joseph.G2501
And he boughtG59 fine linen,G4616 and tookG2507 him down,G2507 and wrappedG1750 him in the linen,G4616 and laidG2698 him in a sepulcherG3419 whichG3739 was hewnG2998 out of a rock,G4073 and rolledG4351 a stoneG3037 to the doorG2374 of the sepulcher.G3419
And MaryG3137 MagdaleneG3094 and MaryG3137 the mother of JosesG2500 beheldG2334 whereG4226 he was laid.G5087