And I heardG191 a greatG3173 voiceG5456 out of the templeG3485 sayingG3004 to the sevenG2033 angels,G32 GoG5217 your ways, and pourG1632 out the vialsG5357 of the wrathG2372 of GodG2316 on the earth.G1093
And the firstG4413 went,G565 and pouredG1632 out his vialG5357 on the earth;G1093 and there fellG1096 a noisomeG2556 and grievousG4190 soreG1668 on the menG444 whichG3588 hadG2192 the markG5480 of the beast,G2342 and on them which worshippedG4352 his image.G1504
And the secondG1208 angelG32 pouredG1632 out his vialG5357 on the sea;G2281 and it becameG1096 as the bloodG129 of a deadG3498 man: and everyG3956 livingG2198 soulG5590 diedG599 in the sea.G2281
And the thirdG5154 angelG32 pouredG1632 out his vialG5357 on the riversG4215 and fountainsG4077 of waters;G5204 and they becameG1096 blood.G129
And I heardG191 the angelG32 of the watersG5204 say,G3004 You areG1488 righteous,G1342 O Lord,G2962 whichG3588 are,G1488 and were,G2258 and shall be, becauseG3754 you have judgedG2919 thus.G5023
For they have shedG1632 the bloodG129 of saintsG40 and prophets,G4396 and you have givenG1325 them bloodG129 to drink;G4095 for they are worthy.G514
And I heardG191 anotherG243 out of the altarG2379 say,G3004 EvenG3483 so,G3483 LordG2962 GodG2316 Almighty,G3841 trueG228 and righteousG1342 are your judgments.G2920
And the fourthG5067 angelG32 pouredG1632 out his vialG5357 on the sun;G2246 and power was givenG1325 to him to scorchG2739 menG444 with fire.G4442
And menG444 were scorchedG2739 with greatG3173 heat,G2738 and blasphemedG987 the nameG3686 of God,G2316 whichG3588 hasG2192 powerG1849 overG1909 theseG5025 plagues:G4127 and they repentedG3340 not to giveG1325 him glory.G1391
And the fifthG3991 angelG32 pouredG1632 out his vialG5357 on the seatG2362 of the beast;G2342 and his kingdomG932 was full of darkness;G4656 and they gnawedG3145 their tonguesG1100 for pain,G4192
And blasphemedG987 the GodG2316 of heavenG3772 becauseG1537 of their painsG4192 and their sores,G1668 and repentedG3340 not of their deeds.G2041
And the sixthG1623 angelG32 pouredG1632 out his vialG5357 on the greatG3173 riverG4215 Euphrates;G2166 and the waterG5204 thereofG846 was driedG3583 up, that the wayG3598 of the kingsG935 of the eastG395 might be prepared.G2090
And I sawG1492 threeG5140 uncleanG169 spiritsG4151 likeG3664 frogsG944 come out of the mouthG4750 of the dragon,G1404 and out of the mouthG4750 of the beast,G2342 and out of the mouthG4750 of the falseG5578 prophet.G5578
For they are the spiritsG4151 of devils,G1142 workingG4160 miracles,G4592 which goG1607 forthG1607 to the kingsG935 of the earthG1093 and of the wholeG3650 world,G3625 to gatherG4863 them to the battleG4171 of that greatG3173 dayG2250 of GodG2316 Almighty.G3841
Behold,G2400 I comeG2064 as a thief.G2812 BlessedG3107 is he that watches,G1127 and keepsG5083 his garments,G2440 lestG2443 G3361 he walkG4043 naked,G1131 and they seeG991 his shame.G808
And he gatheredG4863 them togetherG4863 intoG1519 a placeG5117 calledG2564 in the HebrewG1447 tongueG1447 Armageddon.G717
And the seventhG1442 angelG32 pouredG1632 out his vialG5357 intoG1519 the air;G109 and there cameG1831 a greatG3173 voiceG5456 out of the templeG3485 of heaven,G3772 from the throne,G2362 saying,G3004 It is done.G1096
And there were voices,G5456 and thunders,G1027 and lightning;G796 and there was a greatG3173 earthquake,G4578 suchG3634 as was not sinceG575 G3739 menG444 were on the earth,G1093 soG5082 mightyG5082 an earthquake,G4578 and soG3779 great.G3173
And the greatG3173 cityG4172 was dividedG1096 intoG1519 threeG5140 parts,G3313 and the citiesG4172 of the nationsG1484 fell:G4098 and greatG3173 BabylonG897 cameG3415 in remembranceG3415 beforeG1799 God,G2316 to giveG1325 to her the cupG4221 of the wineG3631 of the fiercenessG2372 of his wrath.G3709
And everyG3956 islandG3520 fledG5343 away, and the mountainsG3735 were not found.G2147
And there fellG2597 on menG444 a greatG3173 hailG5464 out of heaven,G3772 every stone aboutG5613 the weightG5006 of a talent:G5006 and menG444 blasphemedG987 GodG2316 becauseG1537 of the plagueG4127 of the hail;G5464 for the plagueG4127 thereofG846 was exceedingG4970 great.G3173