Monday, 03 February 2014 18:58

Gift of love 2 (Anita)

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It happened on the other side of the World…
There was one young boy, he came to me after Church service and said:” I don’t have a lot of money, but I want to be a part of your mission” I don’t know his name or his age, but what we do know is how much fun, joy, and blessings he brought to the Avoda family in Tak. 

We had a week to prepare: physically exercising, studying the book of Jonah, memorizing Psalm 118…and then finally the day of competitions came!! It was one of the most Blessed days. We saw God’s hand in everything! In the end, the winners received bicycles!! What a joy to have a bicycle!!!
“I thank God that I get to ride the bicycle all day!”-Kaijae 10 years
“I don’t deserve this gift.”
“What a great Psalm Psalm 118 is!!!”
“We didn’t get the chance to do camp last year, but God gave us one day camp, in the beginning of this year!”……..
God is using different people and their small gifts but who have a great desire to bring glory to Him by showing care towards others. 

It happened in different parts of the World: God gave a desire to a young boy to give what he had, and he delivered God’s love and care to more than 25 people, on the other side of the World. 
God is GREAT!!!

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