Sunday, 12 January 2014 19:01

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work (Natasha)

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After a year of service in Thailand, an opportunity to visit the project up North finally arrived. My purpose for going to Chiang Rai was to get to know the project and students involved. The ride was nine hours and the scenery….very picturesque! It is a green and mountainous region, where most of the fruit in Thailand comes from. Pomello’s, strawberries, mangosteen, mango, papaya, longon and many many more varieties. The weather was a bit cooler and the air, crisper.

When we got to the village our project is located in, there were already a few children waiting for us. The school in Chiang Rai (which doubles for the church on Sunday) is located in the backyard of fellow Christians. Avoda is blessed to have a Christian teacher who, every evening, teaches the forty or so students, Chinese. On Sunday, she then becomes the teacher of the Word of God. She works alone. She is strong and God does mighty things through her. It was on this trip that once again I realized how truly blessed I am to have come here with a team. They encourage me, pray with me, and let me know when I am in the wrong. They help me grow and, there is also a sense of accountability. I kept dwelling on these things as I saw our dear sister do her work. She will receive a great reward in Heaven to be certain, but, the more people involved, the more can be done.

The majority of the children in this village, do not come from Christian homes or backgrounds. In fact, the few Christians that are there, have come to have a relationship with God no more than seven or eight years ago. This village is very tied with the spiritual world. They are not Buddhists, they worship spirits. In fact, as I walked from house to house, I saw many people preparing sacrifices that they were going to offer their idols. The heaviness could be felt. “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd,” We need volunteers in this project. Someone with compassion towards the lost sheep. If God is calling you, will you pray about coming to Avoda?

Chiang Rai New Year's Party 053






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