Tuesday, 05 November 2013 00:00

Our dangerous friends (Staya)

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In the past month, we’ve been seeing a lot of our dangerous friends around the property, which is not common. We usually see them once in a while but in the last couple weeks almost every day!! It’s normal for us to see snakes, scorpions but seeing tarantulas and centipedes isn’t as common. We’ve never seen a tarantula until last week. Last week a team of builders came and while they were working they caught some tarantulas. It was our first time seeing a tarantula, after this picture they found some more.


The next day they caught a big scorpion, and they put him into this plastic jar to see who will win. The scorpion or the tarantula. The tarantula was 2 times bigger than the scorpion. Who do you think will win? I don’t know if you guessed correctly but it was the scorpion that won. He caught off two of the tarantula’s legs.

Also, last week as Natasha and I were talking on our porch Natasha spotted a snake not too far from our bungalow. And now about centipedes. They aren’t like the mini centipedes in America, the ones in Thailand grow to be very big. I’ve seen these centipedes only 3 times out of the 10 months we’ve been here and they were all small. About 4 months ago while we were working at the factory the centipede came out of the box which we were sticking our hands into. Luckily, none of us got bitten, one of the factory workers killed it.

But in the last month we’ve been seeing too many of these friends. The first time we saw a big centipede was when Ploy (Raimund’s wife) found one in her house. They caught it and put it in this plastic bag.


It was surprising for us to see it. Very big and nasty. But I’ve had an even better experience. Last week while I was working in the garden moving rocks I saw 2 big centipedes in the ground! It made me think twice and be more cautious! After thinking about it centipedes live in the ground and they like dark places so there are no worries about seeing them in the buildings. Haha that’s what I thought until later that evening. As we were sitting in church, right after prayer we sing two songs and I was sitting in the second to last bench and out of no where I hear a loud sound. I turn around and I see a big centipede fall from the ceiling right onto the last bench!! Slava Bogu no one was sitting on the last bench, just imagining one of us sitting there and a big, gross, poisonous centipede falling right on you or on your head, yuk! Right after falling on the bench it fell off from the bench and started coming towards my feet, I was still in a shock because I never expected to see one in a place where we always gather! I lifted my feet while it passed underneath and went to the side by the pond and it hide itself in the rocks! For the next couple days I was cautious as to where I step but now not so much. Well that’s Thailand for you! All sorts of God’s creatures!


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