Saturday, 31 August 2013 00:00

Kristina and Anita:)

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July – august!

Gods Mighty Works Continue…

“Teacher, teach me.” The strong command was a surprise. This young girl was eager to learn how to share the gospel.  She knew she was to be the only one speaking at the hospital that day, and took the responsibility to prepare. As she boldly stood before the beds of the sick patients and presented the message of salvation and God’s grace, God indeed used her mightily!  Many people responded positively and accepted the gospel tracts. These are the moments in which we rejoice. Seeing God using the teens in great ways, and changing their character, is a joy.

The hospital is not the only place for our students to grow in leadership skills and taking responsibility. The Thai people want to learn English and invited us to do an English seminar for the children in a small village school. The teens used their skills in translating and helping lead the activities. They not only participated in teaching English but shared something that will give the children hope for their spiritual life. What a joy to see God’s name glorified even in the public schools!

One of our goals in helping our students grow is by taking them out of their comfort zone and expanding their view of the world. Once a month, we send a few of our students to an Avoda school in a different town, to practice teaching children various subjects as well as the Bible.  This experience shows them what it’s like to be a teacher and whether they would like to pursue this profession. We delight in seeing them step up and be more than they think they could be.

The children have a big opportunity here in Avoda to grow in many areas of their life. It is evident that what God is doing here is a big blessing and that more children need to be here.  It is our desire to see Avoda expand and house many more needy children. Because of your prayers, about 20 young girls might be coming here in the near future.

A few miracles we were witnesses to were divine appointments from God in meeting people from different parts of the world. This month we had to do some traveling for visas and met Italians, Lithuanians, Polish, and South Africans, who were open to hearing the gospel. God not only arranged our seating on the buses to meet such people, but even brought them to Avoda!

 We are thankful for you, dear brothers and sisters that you could be a part of Gods work here in praying with us and for us. May the Lord Jesus Christ strengthen your faith, and reveal to you the many wonders of His deeds. 

“Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things.

 Blessed be His glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen!”

Psalm 72:18-19


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