Wednesday, 17 July 2013 00:00

Little Treasures (Natasha)

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The trinkets that are important to a child can seem trivial to most adults.

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Children have a gift of enjoying the simple things. A very large nail (is that what it is?) or a tiny plane, a block of wood, a bobby pin. There were other things I didn’t get a chance to snap a picture of. Rubber bands, marbles, an eyeglass case. The children treasure these things.

This morning when the students arrived to school…a few students came up to the girls and me and started handing us their treasures. They have such giving hearts. Mostly it was candy and snacks (which lets admit, can sometimes be hard for kids to hand over) but one girl surprised me. She handed me a beautiful clip-on earring, and asked me to put it in my hair. It was quite touching. The girls and I have only been here for three days and already the students are giving us what they treasure most.


They are precious!

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