Friday, 03 May 2013 00:00

A Little Bit of Ken (Natasha)

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Before coming to Thailand, Anita and I used to take care of an elderly couple. Unfortunately they have since passed but they do have two sons. One of which lives in Thailand.  As we were making plans to come here, we thought how cool would it be if we could one day visit Ken. We knew he lived in the North of Thailand. We emailed each other back and forth a couple of times and had tentatively agreed to during the course of the year somehow see each other.

We arrived in Thailand, and told Ken that we live in Tak….well guess what, turns out he comes to Tak nearly everyday. We know that this was obviously a work of God. “Nobody goes to Tak” we heard this very often making us wonder what were the chances that we’d end up in the same city in all of Thailand? Ken was just as surprised that we ended up in Tak. God can orchestrate the most amazing encounters and he certainly did this with Ken. We have since gotten together with Ken a few times. He has shown us around town and taken us to a lovely ‘Falang’ (American) restaurant where we can enjoy food from home.

Our desire is that this relationship will bear fruit. With your prayers…God can do anything through us. Please pray for Ken and his family as they do not yet know the Lord. And for God to give us the wisdom to do his bidding and preach the gospel to Ken.

aldsk 082

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