Wednesday, 30 January 2013 00:00

New Missionary Friends – 1/25/13 (Serge)

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countries. They travel with LOGOS HOPE Ship that sails from one country to another, containing over 400 missionaries that sacrificed themselves for 2 year contract to serve the Lord in any country that the ship drops them off.

They do any work that is needed to help the spread of the gospel. They try reaching people of all countries (Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Spain, Africa, etc…) by providing physical help, medical aid, evangelizing, or just washing dishes or cleaning floors.

That afternoon a team from that mission arrived in AVODA School to see the property and to meet us. They were a team of 4 that were from: S.Korea, Norway, Germany and Thailand.

We all shared our individual stories of how God called each one of us to the mission fields. We were so encouraged to see God working in ALL OVER the world and finding more workers for His harvest! :)

We became very close friends over that one day that we spent together before they had to say “Good bye” and head back to Bangkok (7hrs South).  :(

But we didn’t allow them to leave without signing a few songs with the children for them and then praying together one by one in circles!  :P


Wow! It’s so awesome to get to kneel down with people and children that you just met and hear everyone pray in different languages (Thai, Korean, German, Russian, English, Norwegian) but having the very SAME fiery Spirit of Christ and God’s love that unites us all into one body of Christ! :D  !!!

It’s something that cannot be expressed in words! ;)  (one has to come see it to experience it) ;P  hehe **yes, we invite you**  :)

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