Isaiah 52:8
Your watchmen H6822 shall lift H5375 up the voice; H6963 with the voice H6963 together H3162 shall they sing: H7442 for they shall see H7200 eye H5869 to eye, H5869 when the LORD H3068 shall bring H7725 again H7725 Zion. H6726
Isaiah 56:10
His watchmen H6822 are blind: H5787 they are all H3605 ignorant, H3808 H3045 they are all H3605 dumb H483 dogs, H3611 they cannot H3808 H3201 bark; H5024 sleeping, H1957 lying H7901 down, H7901 loving H157 to slumber. H5123
2 Chronicles 8:14
And he appointed, H5975 according to the order H4941 of David H1732 his father, H25 the courses H4256 of the priests H3548 to their service, H5656 and the Levites H3881 to their charges, H4931 to praise H1984 and minister H8334 before H5048 the priests, H3548 as the duty H1697 of every day H3117 required: H3117 the porters H7778 also by their courses H4256 at every gate: H8179 for so H3651 had David H1732 the man H376 of God H430 commanded. H4687
Song of Songs 3:3
The watchmen H8104 that go H5437 about H5437 the city H5892 found H4672 me: to whom I said, Saw H7200 you him whom H853 my soul H5315 loves? H157
Song of Songs 5:7
The watchmen H8104 that went H5437 about H5437 the city H5892 found H4672 me, they smote H5221 me, they wounded H6481 me; the keepers H8104 of the walls H2346 took H5375 away my veil H7289 from me.
Jeremiah 6:17
Also I set H6965 watchmen H6822 over H5921 you, saying, Listen H7181 to the sound H6963 of the trumpet. H7782 But they said, H559 We will not listen. H7181
Ezekiel 3:17-21
Son H1121 of man, H120 I have made H5414 you a watchman H6822 to the house H1004 of Israel: H3478 therefore hear H8085 the word H1697 at my mouth, H6310 and give them warning H2094 from me.
When I say H559 to the wicked, H7563 You shall surely die; H4191 and you give him not warning, H2094 nor H3808 speak H1696 to warn H2094 the wicked H7563 from his wicked H7563 way, H1870 to save H2421 his life; H2421 the same H1931 wicked H7563 man shall die H4191 in his iniquity; H5771 but his blood H1818 will I require H1245 at your hand. H3027
Yet if H3588 you warn H2094 the wicked, H7563 and he turn H7725 not from his wickedness, H7562 nor from his wicked H7563 way, H1870 he shall die H4191 in his iniquity; H5771 but you have delivered H5337 your soul. H5315
Again, H7725 When a righteous H6662 man does turn H7725 from his righteousness, H6664 and commit H6213 iniquity, H5766 and I lay H5414 a stumbling-block H4383 before H6440 him, he shall die: H4191 because H3588 you have not given him warning, H2094 he shall die H4191 in his sin, H2403 and his righteousness H6666 which H834 he has done H6213 shall not be remembered; H2142 but his blood H1818 will I require H1245 at your hand. H3027
Nevertheless if H3588 you warn H2094 the righteous H6662 man, that the righteous H6662 sin H2398 not, and he does not sin, H2398 he shall surely live, H2421 because H3588 he is warned; H2094 also you have delivered H5337 your soul. H5315
Ezekiel 33:2-9
Son H1121 of man, H120 speak H1696 to the children H1121 of your people, H5971 and say H559 to them, When H3588 I bring H935 the sword H2719 on a land, H776 if the people H5971 of the land H776 take H3947 a man H376 of their coasts, H7097 and set H5414 him for their watchman: H6822
If when he sees H7200 the sword H2719 come H935 on the land, H776 he blow H8628 the trumpet, H7782 and warn H2094 the people; H5971
Then whoever hears H8085 the sound H6963 of the trumpet, H7782 and takes not warning; H2094 if the sword H2719 come, H935 and take H3947 him away, his blood H1818 shall be on his own head. H7218
He heard H8085 the sound H6963 of the trumpet, H7782 and took not warning; H2094 his blood H1818 shall be on him. But he that takes warning H2094 shall deliver H4422 his soul. H5315
But if H3588 the watchman H6822 see H7200 the sword H2719 come, H935 and blow H8628 not the trumpet, H7782 and the people H5971 be not warned; H2094 if the sword H2719 come, H935 and take H3947 any person H5315 from among them, he is taken H3947 away in his iniquity; H5771 but his blood H1818 will I require H1875 at the watchman's H6822 hand. H3027
So you, O son H1121 of man, H120 I have set H5414 you a watchman H6822 to the house H1004 of Israel; H3478 therefore you shall hear H8085 the word H1697 at my mouth, H6310 and warn H2094 them from me.
When I say H559 to the wicked, H7563 O wicked H7563 man, you shall surely die; H4191 if you do not speak H1696 to warn H2094 the wicked H7563 from his way, H1870 that wicked H7563 man shall die H4191 in his iniquity; H5771 but his blood H1818 will I require H1245 at your hand. H3027
Nevertheless, if H3588 you warn H2094 the wicked H7563 of his way H1870 to turn H7725 from it; if he do not turn H7725 from his way, H1870 he shall die H4191 in his iniquity; H5771 but you have delivered H5337 your soul. H5315
1 Corinthians 12:28
And God G2316 has set G5087 some G3588 G3303 in the church, G1577 first G4412 apostles, G652 secondarily G1208 prophets, G4396 thirdly G5154 teachers, G1320 after G1899 that miracles, G1411 then G1534 gifts G5486 of healings, G2386 helps, G484 governments, G2941 diversities G1085 of tongues. G1100
Ephesians 4:11
And he gave G1325 some, G3588 apostles; G652 and some, G3588 prophets; G4396 and some, G3588 evangelists; G2099 and some, G3588 pastors G4166 and teachers; G1320
Ephesians 4:12
For the perfecting G2677 of the saints, G40 for the work G2041 of the ministry, G1248 for the edifying G3619 of the body G4983 of Christ: G5547
Hebrews 13:17
Obey G3982 them that have the rule G2233 over you, and submit G5226 yourselves: G5216 for they watch G69 for your G5216 souls, G5590 as they that must give G591 account, G3056 that they may do G4160 it with joy, G5479 and not with grief: G4727 for that is unprofitable G255 for you.
Isaiah 62:1
For Zion's H6726 sake H4616 will I not hold H2814 my peace, H2814 and for Jerusalem's H3389 sake H4616 I will not rest, H8252 until H5704 the righteousness H6664 thereof go H3318 forth H3318 as brightness, H5051 and the salvation H3444 thereof as a lamp H3940 that burns. H1197
Psalm 134:1
A Song H7892 of degrees. H4609 Behold, H2009 bless H1288 you the LORD, H3068 all H3605 you servants H5650 of the LORD, H3068 which by night H3915 stand H5975 in the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068
Psalm 134:2
Lift H5375 up your hands H3027 in the sanctuary, H6944 and bless H1288 the LORD. H3068
Revelation 4:6-8
And before G1799 the throne G2362 there was a sea G2281 of glass G5193 like G3664 to crystal: G2930 and in the middle G3319 of the throne, G2362 and round G2943 about G2943 the throne, G2362 were four G5064 beasts G2226 full G1073 of eyes G3788 before G1715 and behind. G3693
And the first G4413 beast G2226 was like G3664 a lion, G3023 and the second G1208 beast G2226 like G3664 a calf, G3448 and the third G5154 beast G2226 had G2192 a face G4383 as a man, G444 and the fourth G5067 beast G2226 was like G3664 a flying G4072 eagle. G105
And the four G5064 beasts G2226 had G2192 each G303 of them six G1803 wings G4420 about G2943 him; and they were full G1073 of eyes G3788 within: G2081 and they rest G2192 G372 not day G2250 and night, G3571 saying, G3004 Holy, G40 holy, G40 holy, G40 LORD G2962 God G2316 Almighty, G3841 which G3588 was, and is, and is to come. G2064
Isaiah 43:26
Put me in remembrance: H2142 let us plead H8199 together: H3162 declare H5608 you, that you may be justified. H6663
Genesis 32:12
And you said, H559 I will surely do you good, H3190 and make H7760 your seed H2233 as the sand H2344 of the sea, H3220 which H834 cannot H3808 be numbered H5608 for multitude. H7230
Numbers 14:17-19
And now, H6258 I beseech H4994 you, let the power H3581 of my LORD H136 be great, H1431 according as you have spoken, H1696 saying, H559
The LORD H3068 is long-suffering, H750 H639 and of great H7227 mercy, H2617 forgiving H5375 iniquity H5771 and transgression, H6588 and by no H3808 means clearing H5352 the guilty, visiting H6485 the iniquity H5771 of the fathers H1 on the children H1121 to the third H8029 and fourth H7256 generation.
Pardon, H5545 I beseech H4994 you, the iniquity H5771 of this H2088 people H5971 according to the greatness H1433 of your mercy, H2617 and as you have forgiven H5375 this H2088 people, H5971 from Egypt H4714 even until H5704 now. H2008
Psalm 74:2
Remember H2142 your congregation, H5712 which you have purchased H7069 of old; H6924 the rod H7626 of your inheritance, H5159 which you have redeemed; H1350 this H2088 mount H2022 Zion, H6726 wherein you have dwelled. H7931
Psalm 74:18
Remember H2142 this, H2063 that the enemy H341 has reproached, H2778 O LORD, H3068 and that the foolish H5036 people H5971 have blasphemed H5006 your name. H8034
Acts 10:4
And when he looked G816 on him, he was afraid, G1719 and said, G2036 What G5101 is it, Lord? G2962 And he said G2036 to him, Your prayers G4335 and your G3588 alms G1654 are come G305 up for a memorial G3422 before G1799 God. G2316
Acts 10:31
And said, G5346 Cornelius, G2883 your prayer G4335 is heard, G1522 and your G4675 alms G1654 are had in remembrance G3415 in the sight G1799 of God. G2316
Genesis 32:26
And he said, H559 Let me go, H7971 for the day H7837 breaks. H5927 And he said, H559 I will not let you go, H7971 except H3588 H518 you bless H1288 me.
Matthew 15:22-27
And, behold, G2400 a woman G1135 of Canaan G5478 came G1831 out of the same G1565 coasts, G3725 and cried G2905 to him, saying, G3004 Have mercy G1653 on me, O Lord, G2962 you son G5207 of David; G1138 my daughter G2364 is grievously G2560 vexed G1139 with a devil. G1139
But he answered G611 her not a word. G3056 And his disciples G3101 came G4334 and sought G2065 him, saying, G3004 Send G630 her away; G630 for she cries G2896 after G3693 us.
But he answered G611 and said, G2036 I am not sent G649 but to the lost G622 sheep G4263 of the house G3624 of Israel. G2474
Then G1161 came G2064 she and worshipped G4352 him, saying, G3004 Lord, G2962 help G997 me.
But he answered G611 and said, G2036 It is not meet G2570 to take G2983 the children's G5043 bread, G740 and to cast G906 it to dogs. G2952
And she said, G2036 Truth, G3483 Lord: G2962 yet G1063 the dogs G2952 eat G2068 of the crumbs G5589 which G3588 fall G4098 from their masters' G2962 table. G5132
Luke 11:5-13
And he said G2036 to them, Which G5101 of you shall have G2192 a friend, G5384 and shall go G4198 to him at G3317 midnight, G3317 and say G2036 to him, Friend, G5384 lend G5531 me three G5140 loaves; G740
For a friend G5384 of my G3450 in his journey G3598 is come G3854 to me, and I have G2192 nothing G3756 G3739 to set G3908 before G3908 him?
And he from within G2081 shall answer G611 and say, G2036 Trouble G2873 me not: the door G2374 is now G2235 shut, G2808 and my children G3813 are with me in bed; G2845 I cannot G3756 G1410 rise G450 and give G1325 you.
I say G3004 to you, Though G1499 he will not rise G1453 and give G1325 him, because G1223 he is his friend, G5384 yet G1065 because G1223 of his importunity G335 he will rise G450 and give G1325 him as many G3745 as he needs. G5535
And I say G3004 to you, Ask, G154 and it shall be given G1325 you; seek, G2212 and you shall find; G2147 knock, G2925 and it shall be opened G455 to you.
For every G3956 one that asks G154 receives; G2983 and he that seeks G2212 finds; G2147 and to him that knocks G2925 it shall be opened. G455
If a son G5207 shall ask G154 bread G740 of any G5100 of you that is a father, G3962 will he give G1929 him a stone? G3037 or if he ask a fish, G2486 will he for a fish G2486 give G1929 him a serpent? G3789
Or G2228 G2532 if G1437 he shall ask G154 an egg, G5609 will he offer G1929 him a scorpion? G4651
If G1487 you then, G3767 being G5225 evil, G4190 know G1492 how to give G1325 good G18 gifts G1390 to your G5216 children: G5043 how G4214 much G4214 more G3123 shall your G3588 heavenly G1537 G3772 Father G3962 give G1325 the Holy G40 Spirit G4151 to them that ask G154 him?
Luke 18:1-8
And he spoke G3004 a parable G3850 to them to this G3588 end, that men ought G1163 always G3842 to pray, G4336 and not to faint; G1573
Saying, G3004 There was in a city G4172 a judge, G2923 which feared G5399 not God, G2316 neither G3366 regarded G1788 man: G444
And there was a widow G5503 in that city; G4172 and she came G2064 to him, saying, G3004 Avenge G1556 me of my G3450 adversary. G476
And he would G2309 not for a while: G5550 but afterward G3326 G5023 he said G2036 within G1722 himself, G1438 Though G1499 I fear G5399 not God, G2316 nor G3756 regard G1788 man; G444
Yet G1065 because G1223 this G5026 widow G5503 troubles G3930 G2873 me, I will avenge G1556 her, lest G2443 G3361 by her continual G1519 G5056 coming G2064 she weary G5299 me.
And the Lord G2962 said, G2036 Hear G191 what G5101 the unjust G93 judge G2923 said. G3004
And shall not God G2316 avenge G4160 his own elect, G1588 which G3588 cry G994 day G2250 and night G3571 to him, though G2532 he bear G3114 long G3114 with them?
I tell G3004 you that he will avenge G4160 them speedily. G1722 G5034 Nevertheless G4133 when the Son G5207 of man G444 comes, G2064 shall he find G2147 faith G4102 on G1909 the earth? G1093
Luke 18:39-8
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray G4336 without G89 ceasing. G89
Revelation 6:10
And they cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 How G2193 long, G2193 O Lord, G1203 holy G40 and true, G228 do you not judge G2919 and avenge G1556 our blood G129 on G1909 them that dwell G2730 on G1909 the earth? G1093