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2 Chronicles chapter 8

Bible Version
And it cameH1961 to pass at the endH7093 of twentyH6242 years,H8141 whereinH834 SolomonH8010 had builtH1129 the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 and his own house,H1004
That the citiesH5892 whichH834 HuramH2438 had restoredH5414 to Solomon,H8010 SolomonH8010 builtH1129 them, and caused the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 to dwellH3427 there.H8033
And SolomonH8010 wentH3212 to Hamathzobah,H2578 and prevailedH2388 againstH5921 it.
And he builtH1129 TadmorH8412 in the wilderness,H4057 and allH3605 the storeH4543 cities,H5892 whichH834 he builtH1129 in Hamath.H2574
Also he builtH1129 BethhoronH1032 the upper,H5945 and BethhoronH1032 the nether,H8481 fencedH4692 cities,H5892 with walls,H2346 gates,H1817 and bars;H1280
And Baalath,H1191 and allH3605 the storeH4543 citiesH5892 that SolomonH8010 had,H1961 and allH3605 the chariotH7393 cities,H5892 and the citiesH5892 of the horsemen,H6571 and allH3605 that SolomonH8010 desiredH2836 to buildH1129 in Jerusalem,H3389 and in Lebanon,H3844 and throughout allH3605 the landH776 of his dominion.H4475
As for allH3605 the peopleH5971 that were leftH3498 of the Hittites,H2850 and the Amorites,H567 and the Perizzites,H6522 and the Hivites,H2340 and the Jebusites,H2983 whichH834 were not of Israel,H3478
But of their children,H1121 whoH834 were leftH3498 afterH310 them in the land,H776 whomH834 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 consumedH3615 not, them did SolomonH8010 make to payH5927 tributeH4522 untilH5704 thisH2088 day.H3117
But of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 did SolomonH8010 makeH5414 noH3808 servantsH5650 for his work;H4399 but they were menH582 of war,H4421 and chiefH8269 of his captains,H7991 and captainsH8269 of his chariotsH7393 and horsemen.H6571
And theseH428 were the chiefH8269 of kingH4428 Solomon'sH8010 officers,H5324 even two hundredH3967 and fifty,H2572 that boreH7287 ruleH7287 over the people.H5971
And SolomonH8010 broughtH5927 up the daughterH1323 of PharaohH6547 out of the cityH5892 of DavidH1732 to the houseH1004 that he had builtH1129 for her: for he said,H559 My wifeH802 shall not dwellH3427 in the houseH1004 of DavidH1732 kingH4428 of Israel,H3478 becauseH3588 the places are holy,H6944 whereuntoH834 the arkH727 of the LORDH3068 has come.H935
ThenH227 SolomonH8010 offeredH5927 burntH5930 offerings to the LORDH3068 onH5921 the altarH4196 of the LORD,H3068 whichH834 he had builtH1129 beforeH6440 the porch,H197
Even after a certainH1697 rateH1697 every day,H3117 offeringH5927 according to the commandmentH4687 of Moses,H4872 on the sabbaths,H7676 and on the newH2320 moons,H2320 and on the solemnH4150 feasts,H4150 threeH7969 timesH6471 in the year,H8141 even in the feastH2282 of unleavenedH4682 bread, and in the feastH2282 of weeks,H7620 and in the feastH2282 of tabernacles.H5521
And he appointed,H5975 according to the orderH4941 of DavidH1732 his father,H25 the coursesH4256 of the priestsH3548 to their service,H5656 and the LevitesH3881 to their charges,H4931 to praiseH1984 and ministerH8334 beforeH5048 the priests,H3548 as the dutyH1697 of every dayH3117 required:H3117 the portersH7778 also by their coursesH4256 at every gate:H8179 for soH3651 had DavidH1732 the manH376 of GodH430 commanded.H4687
And they departedH5493 not from the commandmentH4687 of the kingH4428 to the priestsH3548 and LevitesH3881 concerning anyH3605 matter,H1697 or concerning the treasures.H214
Now allH3605 the workH4399 of SolomonH8010 was preparedH3559 to the dayH3117 of the foundationH4143 of the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 and untilH5704 it was finished.H3615 So the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068 was perfected.H8003
ThenH227 wentH1980 SolomonH8010 to Eziongeber,H6100 and to Eloth,H359 atH5921 the seaH3220 sideH8193 in the landH776 of Edom.H123
And HuramH2438 sentH7971 him by the handsH3027 of his servantsH5650 ships,H591 and servantsH5650 that had knowledgeH3045 of the sea;H3220 and they wentH935 with the servantsH5650 of SolomonH8010 to Ophir,H211 and tookH3947 thereH8033 fourH702 hundredH3967 and fiftyH2572 talentsH3603 of gold,H2091 and broughtH935 them to kingH4428 Solomon.H8010