Sunday, 14 July 2013 00:00

Mae Sot (Natasha)

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Today, I arrived in Mae Sot with Fasai and Sao, two of our Avoda students. We will be staying here for a week. Our goal…for the girls to apply what they learned…teaching children Bible. This is a wonderful opportunity for them. A mission trip. 

Avoda has a few branches of schools located in different parts of Thailand. Tak is where we are based. Mae Sot is near the Myanmar border. The Avoda school in Mae Sot is mostly for children of Burmese refugees. They are younger than our Tak students and just a joy to be around. They have not yet seen the hardships that being a Burmese teenager could bring. Yes they are poor but they are happy.

My prayer is that this week God will use both Fasai and Sao to bring the gospel to these souls. It’s very exciting for all involved. I plan on writing more as the week goes on. If you have the desire, please pray for these two lovely girls that God will give them the courage and wisdom to teach. This will be their first time putting their training to use. 

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