Saturday, 13 July 2013 00:00

Anita and Kristina

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Is this enough?

1422, 1423,1424,..25….26… Is this enough? How many times should I give of myself in service to others?

 The word “serve “and its derivatives appear in the Bible more than 1420 times.  As Christians, we are called to a life of self-denial and humble service. We serve God by serving people. The Bible shows us that to be named a “servant of Christ” is a big privilege.  Jesus is the greatest example of service! “ I am among you as one who serves.” (Luke 22:27).


One of our goals in our ministry here in Thailand is to show others that God cares, by serving them. God has given us a great opportunity to practice this truth with our students by visiting the hospital every Friday.  After one visit to the hospital, one member of the group shared a testimony. “ I did not want to go to the hospital. Everything in me said, “No!” After praying and deciding to go anyway, the Lord gave me such joy and peace, and the time at the hospital was very blessed.”

 A week later, another group went to the hospital and shared this story: “We came to one of the women in the big room of the hospital. This lady appeared to be bone thin with a protruding belly. She was happy to see us and was saying something in her language. Through the interpreter we understood that she was giving thanks. ”Last week, she said, my health condition was very bad. The doctors didn’t know what was wrong with my stomach and couldn’t help me. They even asked me who they should contact in case of death. But that Friday you prayed for me. This week the doctors not only found out what the problem was, my stomach has decreased in size.  I feel much better! Who is that God that you prayed to?” Praise God, we then had a wonderful opportunity to deliver God’s love and His message to her.”

At times, we don’t want to give, or too tired to go and the flesh says, “You’ve done enough!” But Christ says, “Serve, go, give.” So as we learn to die to ourselves and keep serving, going, and giving we see God strengthening, and doing things that we could have never imagined. And it bring joy in our hearts.

Please pray that God helps us to serve like He served and that we can fulfill the ministry to which God has called us to.

God is continuing to give us opportunities to teach in the public schools, and reach out to the village children. People even come to Avoda and ask us to teach them English. We are praying for more volunteers to come and to serve in reaching lives for Christ.  Our summer camp date has been changed to winter.

What we need are prayer warriors! Warriors who will stand in the gap for the teens here that they may safely pass through these rough teenage years come to Christ and become His disciple makers.

We are so thankful to God for your prayers, May God bless you abundantly!

Read 919 times Last modified on Saturday, 14 March 2015 19:20
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